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The most popular company in Serbia whith focus on happenings in the world of motorsports, traffic and law “SAT Media“, approached us with a request to help them with digital strategy regarding TV Show “SAT” and the magazine “SAT TV Plus”.
In order to get closer to client through the exchange of ideas, we found that SAT Media has a lot of interesting content, video materials and articles, so we decided that online comunication should be based on the promotion of the magazine ’’SAT Plus’’ through the digital channels through which we can reach to existing and also new users, as well as parts TV Show “SAT Media“ that would enable us new viewers of the exclusive video material.
Using digital channels we saw it as a chance for rejuvenation of the target group. The content was made and our job as dgitail agency was to place content in the right place at the right time and in an appropriate form.
n 2013.
In order to realize defined online marketing plan, it was necessary to create an integrated approach which included the presence of all relevant online channels related to local market: Facebook and Youtube as the main channels of communication, and Google + and Twitter as the channels who followed the main ones.
With synchronized appearance and appropriate branding we attracted new fans and we’ve successfully conveyed familiarity with the company from the offline to the online world.
According to precisely defined target group of the client with the focus on male population, lovers of the automobile industry, traffic and traffic laws, it was necessary to create a campaign aiming to increase visits to the site as well as increased sales of online content from the website, promotion of the written edition of the magazine and promoting a variety of activities carried out by the client, from which are the activities related to the center NAVAK (National Driving Academy) the most higlighted.
Just in one year of planned activities Facebook page very quickly became one of the leading page in Serbia with more than 120.000 fans. Besides that, client was very pleased with amount of subscription on YT channel (more than 3.500 in one year)
One of the main goals was to increase sales of online articles. Also, we had a task to increase the user base that would receive Newsletter and occasional sales of advertising materials such as shirts, hats, scarves, etc.
Results were outstanding, from the moment we started to promote all planned activities, visits to the site increased, therefore sales also.
By creating a specialized tab on a Facebook page, we collected a base of email addresses that are subsequently used to promote shows through newsletters. During the time we define very strong base of most active users in SAT community.
With promotion of various advertising materials (T-shirt, cap, scarf …) we came to the stage when the number of fans who want to own one of these products greatly increased, so it was necessary to find the best possible solution for order processing that will enable fans more simpler and more modern way from the previous one.
After we exchanged idea with the client, we have found the best solution. We created a special Facebook tab that allows easy ordering process, and at the same time client has a clear insight of order process, which.
In addition, we used full potential of TV show SAT Media in traditional media and converted it into online channels in order to connect FB page and other social media channels with the show itself. After each show, the moderator were announcing that the quiz is hold on the FB page, and gave a brief explanation what participants need to do in order to find out useful information from the world of motor sport, to have fun and at the end to won prizes. We had an amazing peaks that occurred after each show, on weekends, in some short intervals of 2 hours. In these periods, we had several thousand new fans on the page and engagment rate increase up to 200%.
Analyzing social media reports month by month, tracking growth of web site visits and conversions and dialy contant with the client we are creating new ideas and exploring possiblity to expand portfolio of online activities.